It seems static...
almost automatic...
a small shift in detail,
only on local scale...
like minor changes,
repeated for ages...
pointless contribution,
lacking evolution...
so is the perception.
Why ?
Evolution seems missing.
Stillness... is so convincing.
Acting on what we perceive,
we... are so naive.
The world is expanding,
against our understanding.
What should we do
with our narrow view ?
My mind is empty.
The words...
are running around,
around my mind,
just running around...
They got no bound,
none I could find
in my mind.
So empty, so clear...
There's nothing near,
nothing to appear
inside my empty mind.
There's no idea.
We, the whole, are flowing.
How do we know what is true ?
How is knowing going through,
through our mind, up to our view ?
We are asking, we are feeling
our truth which is revealing
to ourselves.
We are letting truth transform,
changing from its knowledge form,
back to feeling.
How is truth to be perceived,
when the feeling is received
from false truth that is believed ?
As we're learning more and more,
we are able to explore
our truths.
As we're learning how to feel,
our mind can then reveal
other truths.
Thought and feeling, round and round,
from and into the same ground.
Can we all try to think
and find some sort of link,
something that will sync
our existence ?
Can we find some sort of connection
that could give us a direction,
a unified direction,
not just the intersection
of thoughts or feelings ?
That which is not superficial,
nor artificial,
nor part of,
nor sense of,
can we imagine ?
Or due to such density
and complexity
of our perspectives, we cannot ?
Is our imagination so weak
that we are unable to seek
a connection that could peak
humanity's bond,
or even beyond ?
Do we lack the technology,
or the psychology,
for such an endeavor ?
I wonder.
We seem to be growing,
spreading, changing, flowing,
moving without knowing
where all this is going.
It seems to be growing
our world, ourselves.
We watch, observe, perceive,
not knowing what to believe,
guessing what is to achieve.
We force our minds to conceive
something for us to receive,
a meaning for all this.
We seem not able to agree.
So different and split can be
our grasp of what we see !
Different with every degree
of what we consider "me"
is our awareness.
We always seek the order,
each label and its folder,
each human and his border.
Can we avoid disorder
and still remain the holder
of multitudes ?
I am curious.
Curious and furious.
I see ideas, colors.
I see powers.
To be used.
So many, so vast.
Ways to change the past.
To rebuild it.
I am savvy and wild.
Playing like a child.
With the world.
I imagine and I summon.
Not the common.
But the new.
So beautiful, so nice.
Controlling the dice.
Of your life.
I am kind, I am warm.
Without form.
I am flow.
I just come, I just go.
Not to know.
But to learn.
So awesome, so high.
Up to the sky.
Are my hopes.
I am crazy, even lazy.
I create a new state.
For this world.
For my world...
For your world...
And you ?
Co-evolving organisms.
I act, you act, we act.
I grow, you grow, we grow.
I live, you live, we live.
I split, you split, we split.
I kill, you kill, we kill.
I die, you die, we die.
Co-emerging systems.
What do we think ?
What there is to think.
What do we see ?
What there is to see.
What do we be ?
What there is to be.
That which is.
How do we love ?
As we and as love.
How do we rule ?
As we and as rule.
How do we flow ?
As we and as flow.
The way it is.
Co-existing absolutes.
I see life, you see death.
We see both.
I see joy, you see pain.
We see both.
I see good, you see evil.
We see both.
As two.
I know the me, you know the you.
We know both.
I grow myself, you grow yourself.
We grow both.
I have my self, you have your self.
We have both.
As one.
Together and separate,
that which is the way it is,
as two and as one,
co-evolves, co-emerges and co-exists.
To see what is really there,
seeing that you are aware
of your seeing.
To know the actual knowing
which requires the forgoing
of its knowledge.
To bring love and to defend
by just bringing to an end
its opposite.
To ensure that you can be
always whole and always free
of yourself.
To think clearly.
As important,
that which is perceived is felt.
Into action,
the perception will be melt.
To gather,
energy is what we seek.
Pain creates,
storytelling as technique.
Through our stories,
energy we try to force.
For the failure,
wrong perception is the source.
Our stories,
into conflict will result.
Must fade away,
all the joy we might exult.
All the time,
energy of nature flows.
Through perception,
right decision always goes.
So many bubbles...
Inside knowledge bubbles...
Are we really aware,
while stuck in our little minds
built on lies of many kinds,
of the world out there ?
Inside perception bubbles...
Do we really do no harm
as we live peacefully calm
inside our imagined farm ?
From smaller bubbles...
Can our healthy satisfaction
become a toxic abstraction
on a global interaction ?
All that we prefer to select
will have an indirect effect
on all the things, as they connect.
To larger bubbles...
What do we choose to create,
how do we choose to relate,
knowing that will change our fate ?
Too many bubbles...