About judgement and love – Part 2

About judgement and love - Part 2.jpg
(7 December 2019)

Here we are, in our modern and developed world, where we, as human beings, have taken control of almost all aspects of our reality. It is an interesting position to be in, especially when we consider the process of judgement. What bothers us is not the action itself, the simple act of coming to a conclusion. No. What truly bothers us is the action that is taken by humans in relationship to other humans. Why is this?

Can we cast judgement on nature? Can we criticize a flower for not looking good enough? Can we criticize an animal for acting stupid? The real question is not whether we can do it or not, but rather if it makes any sense to do it in the first place. And if we do criticize such things, how do we feel? Is our judgement anything more than a simple observation of how things are?
To understand the process of judgement, we must first realize our own role in it. The role we play is by no means insignificant. We are the main actors in this scene, to the point where we can ask: Would there be any judgement without involving our own image as human beings?

We say of an animal that it cannot be blamed for acting like an animal. We say of natural changes that they happen. And yet, when it comes to humans, we consider things to be different. The same actions of an animal, if taken by a person, are now deemed worthy of judgement. Why is this? Do we consider ourselves in full control of our actions? Do we believe that we are able to consciously decide our actions? Do we consider ourselves as equals when it comes to intention and decision making? Do we have social expectations of each other? It seems that we do.

Lets look deeper. Can we find the source of all these expectations? Can we find what separates us, the human beings, from all the other aspects of our world?
As we seek for an answer, different ideas will come up: intelligence, intention, control, desire, consciousness, soul, etc. All of them useful ideas, but in this case, lets go deeper: What is the common factor of all the types of judgement we hold? What is always present?

At some point, we will realize that the common factor is us and nothing else. We are the source of this process of judgement. Not we as humans, but we as concepts, we as holders of ideas and beliefs, we as separate points of awareness, we as flows of energy. There is no judgement without our presence.
There is a choice to be made, but the choice is not ours to make. It is already made for ourselves and for everyone else. Why? Because we are the choice itself.


If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem.

— Jiddu Krishnamurti

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