I, the poet, a wizard, shall define my craft: (Chapter One) What is this ? These words that I'm writing, what are they ? What is their meaning ? What are they describing ? Where are they coming from ? (Chapter Two) Voices and symbols. Images. Thoughts. Spells. One might call them as one wishes. But is one aware of them ? Or is one one with them ? Can the distinction be made and seen ? Can one see beyond one's five senses ? Can one notice the subtle movement of life ? (Chapter Three) There is sadness, grief, struggle, fight, anger, pain, suffering, fear, oh yes, fear, conflict in one's mind. And one's mind is everyone's mind. One mind. One can accept or one can refuse to look at oneself. Psychological battle between one's self and one's life. (Chapter Four) What is this energy that is felt, that is power, that is joy, that is left inside one's being ? What is the energy that is present when one has no more energy to live or do anything ? What is the energy that brings enjoyment in the torrent of depression ? (Chapter Five) Importance, this mighty word, is the difference between what one does and what one does not. Importance is the difference between what the world is and what the world is not. It makes all the difference to see the importance of giving importance. (Chapter Six) What is the role of a poet ? What is that world in which the poet will have his role ? Is it simple ? Is the world simple ? Is it easy ? Is the world easy ? Simple and easy... such weird words to describe a world. Why do we see it this way ? Why do we fail to comprehend the complexity and austerity of what we call world ? Is it that one intentionally ignores what one does not like seeing ? Is it pain and fear of pain that one tries to avoid ? So what is the role of a poet ? (Chapter Seven) Stories... As long as one remembers there are stories. All one remembers are stories. Stories and characters... inextricably linked. What is the story one tells of oneself ? What is the character one plays in one's life ? Is it the hero ? Is it the HERO ? Then what is one's life ? (Chapter Eight) The joy of being. The joy of being. BEING ! Does one feel that joy ? Or is one caught in routine, in monotony, in repeating one's days, one's years, one's life choices ? Does one love the world ? Or does one ignore it ? Does one love one's life ? Or does one ignore it ? One shall BE the hero of one's story, a story of beauty, beauty of living. (Chapter Nine) Words... Symbols... Spells... spoken by voices inside one's mind. Thoughts. One can listen. They enchant one's life. They create one's life. Can one see them ? Can one choose them ? Fear... of making the wrong choices. Learning and growing... making the right choices. One can choose the spells one uses on oneself. Lets choose wisely ! (Chapter Ten) That energy of being, of oneness, of nothingness... Can one feel it ? Can one die one moment and be reborn the next moment ? Can one gather energy out of nothing ? Can one feel the exuberance hidden in the space between things ? If one does, what is one afraid of ? Can one be a hero beyond time ? One shall be such a hero. (Chapter Eleven) We need better spells. We need better stories. We need to create beauty. Better armors. Better weapons. Better warriors. Better emotions. We need to fight better. Better wizards. Better solutions for a better world. Lets enjoy the battle between old and new ! Lets enjoy being ! (Chapter Twelve) So... what is the role of a poet in a world of magic ? Someone has to write the spells, don't they ? Symbols of life, of growth, of learning, of healing, of being. Symbols of one and all of us, the whole humanity. One epic battle of transcendence. One story of beauty, one poetry. Whole Epic Poetry. Wholepicoetry. Lets begin !